خوش آمدید به رمان ۹۸ | بهترین انجمن رمان نویسی

رمان ۹۸ با هدف ترویج فرهنگ کتاب خوانی و تقویت قلم عزیزان ایجاد شده است.
هدف ما همواره ایجاد محیطی گرم و صمیمی و دوستانه بوده
برای مطالعه کامل رمان‌ها و استفاده از امکانات انجمن
به ما بپیوندید و یا وارد انجمن شوید.


مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

22. But the Hoopoe tarried not far: he [came up and] said: "I have compassed

[territory] which thou hast not compassed, and I have come to thee from Saba

with tidings true.

23. "I found [there] a woman ruling over them and provided with every requisite;

and she has a magnificent throne.24. "I found her and her people worshipping the sun besides Allah: Satan has

made their deeds seem pleasing in their eyes, and has kept them away from the

Path,- so they receive no guidance,-

25. "[Kept them away from the Path], that they should not worship Allah, Who

brings to light what is hidden in the heavens and the earth, and knows what ye

hide and what ye reveal.

26. "Allah!- there is no god but He!- Lord of the Throne Supreme!"

27. [Solomon] said: "Soon shall we see whether thou hast told the truth or lied!

28. "Go thou, with this letter of mine, and deliver it to them: then draw back

from them, and [wait to] see what answer they return"...

29. [The queen] said: "Ye chiefs! here is delivered to me - a letter worthy of


30. "It is from Solomon, and is [as follows]: 'In the name of Allah, Most

Gracious, Most Merciful:

31. "'Be ye not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission [to the true


32. She said: "Ye chiefs! advise me in [this] my affair: no affair have I

decided except in your presence."

33. They said: "We are endued with strength, and given to vehement war: but the

command is with thee; so consider what thou wilt command."

34. She said: "Kings, when they enter a country, despoil it, and make the

noblest of its people its meanest thus do they behave.

35. "But I am going to send him a present, and [wait] to see with what [answer]

return [my] ambassadors."

36. Now when [the embassy] came to Solomon, he said: "Will ye give me abundance

in wealth? But that which Allah has given me is better than that which He has

given you! Nay it is ye who rejoice in your gift!

37. "Go back to them, and be sure we shall come to them with such hosts as they

will never be able to meet: We shall expel them from there in disgrace, and they

will feel humbled [indeed]."

38. He said [to his own men]: "Ye chiefs! which of you can bring me her throne

before they come to me in submission?"

39. Said an 'Ifrit, of the Jinns: "I will bring it to thee before thou rise from

thy council: indeed I have full strength for the purpose, and may be trusted."

40. Said one who had knowledge of the Book: "I will bring it to thee within the

twinkling of an eye!" Then when [Solomon] saw it placed firmly before him, he

said: "This is by the Grace of my Lord!- to test me whether I am grateful or

ungrateful! and if any is grateful, truly his gratitude is [a gain] for his own

soul; but if any is ungrateful, truly my Lord is Free of all Needs, Supreme in


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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

41. He said: "Transform her throne out of all recognition by her: let us see

whether she is guided [to the truth] or is one of those who receive no


42. So when she arrived, she was asked, "Is this thy throne?" She said, "It was

just like this; and knowledge was bestowed on us in advance of this, and we have

submitted to Allah [in Islam]."

43. And he diverted her from the worship of others besides Allah: for she was

[sprung] of a people that had no faith.

44. She was asked to enter the lofty Palace: but when she saw it, she thought it

was a lake of water, and she [tucked up her skirts], uncovering her legs. He

said: "This is but a palace paved smooth with slabs of glass." She said: "O my

Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul: I do [now] submit [in Islam], with Solomon,

to the Lord of the Worlds."

45. We sent [aforetime], to the Thamud, their brother Salih, saying, "Serve

Allah": But behold, they became two factions quarrelling with each other.

46. He said: "O my people! why ask ye to hasten on the evil in preference to the

good? If only ye ask Allah for forgiveness, ye may hope to receive mercy.

47. They said: "Ill omen do we augur from thee and those that are with thee". He

said: "Your ill omen is with Allah; yea, ye are a people under trial."

48. There were in the city nine men of a family, who made mischief in the land,

and would not reform.

49. They said: "Swear a mutual oath by Allah that we shall make a secret night

attack on him and his people, and that we shall then say to his heir [when he

seeks vengeance]: 'We were not present at the slaughter of his people, and we

are positively telling the truth.'"

50. They plotted and planned, but We too planned, even while they perceived it


51. Then see what was the end of their plot!- this, that We destroyed them and

their people, all [of them].

52. Now such were their houses, - in utter ruin, - because they practised wrongdoing.

Verily in this is a Sign for people of knowledge.

53. And We saved those who believed and practised righteousness.

54. [We also sent] Lut [as a messenger]: behold, He said to his people, "Do ye

do what is shameful though ye see [its iniquity]?

55. Would ye really approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, ye are a

people [grossly] ignorant!

56. But his people gave no other answer but this: they said, "Drive out the

followers of Lut from your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and


57. But We saved him and his family, except his wife; her We destined to be of

those who lagged behind.

58. And We rained down on them a shower [of brimstone]: and evil was the shower

on those who were admonished [but heeded not]!

59. Say: Praise be to Allah, and Peace on his servants whom He has chosen [for

his Message]. [Who] is better?- Allah or the false gods they associate [with


60. Or, Who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who sends you down rain

from the sky? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted orchards full of beauty

of delight: it is not in your power to cause the growth of the trees in them.

[Can there be another] god besides Allah? Nay, they are a people who swerve from


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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

61. Or, Who has made the earth firm to live in; made rivers in its midst; set

thereon mountains immovable; and made a separating bar between the two bodies offlowing water? [can there be another] god besides Allah? Nay, most of them know


62. Or, Who listens to the [soul] distressed when it calls on Him, and Who

relieves its suffering, and makes you [mankind] inheritors of the earth? [Can

there be another] god besides Allah? Little it is that ye heed!

63. Or, Who guides you through the depths of darkness on land and sea, and Who

sends the winds as heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy? [Can there

be another] god besides Allah?- High is Allah above what they associate with


64. Or, Who originates creation, then repeats it, and who gives you sustenance

from heaven and earth? [Can there be another] god besides Allah? Say, "Bring

forth your argument, if ye are telling the truth!"

65. Say: None in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows what is hidden:

nor can they perceive when they shall be raised up [for Judgment].

66. Still less can their knowledge comprehend the Hereafter: Nay, they are in

doubt and uncertainty thereanent; nay, they are blind thereunto!

67. The Unbelievers say: "What! when we become dust,- we and our fathers,- shall

we really be raised [from the dead]?

68. "It is true we were promised this,- we and our fathers before [us]: these

are nothing but tales of the ancients."

69. Say: "Go ye through the earth and see what has been the end of those guilty

[of sin]."

70. But grieve not over them, nor distress thyself because of their plots.

71. They also say: "When will this promise [come to pass]? [Say] if ye are


72. Say: "It may be that some of the events which ye wish to hasten on may be

[close] in your pursuit!"

73. But verily thy Lord is full of grace to mankind: Yet most of them are


74. And verily thy Lord knoweth all that their hearts do hide. As well as all

that they reveal.

75. Nor is there aught of the unseen, in heaven or earth, but is [recorded] in a

clear record.

76. Verily this Qur'an doth explain to the Children of Israel most of the

matters in which they disagree.

77. And it certainly is a Guide and a Mercy to those who believe.

78. Verily thy Lord will decide between them by His Decree: and He is Exalted in

Might, All-Knowing.

79. So put thy trust in Allah: for thou art on [the path of] manifest Truth.

80. Truly thou canst not cause the dead to listen, nor canst thou cause the deaf

to hear the call, [especially] when they turn back in retreat.

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

81. Nor canst thou be a guide to the blind, [to prevent them] from straying:

only those wilt thou get to listen who believe in Our Signs, and they will bow

in Islam.

82. And when the Word is fulfilled against them [the unjust], we shall produce

from the earth a beast to [face] them: He will speak to them, for that mankind

did not believe with assurance in Our Signs.

83. One day We shall gather together from every people a troop of those who

reject our Signs, and they shall be kept in ranks,-

84. Until, when they come [before the Judgment-seat], [Allah] will say: "Did ye

reject My Signs, though ye comprehended them not in knowledge, or what was it ye


85. And the Word will be fulfilled against them, because of their wrong-doing,

and they will be unable to speak [in plea].

86. See they not that We have made the Night for them to rest in and the Day to

give them light? Verily in this are Signs for any people that believe!

87. And the Day that the Trumpet will be sounded - then will be smitten with

terror those who are in the heavens, and those who are on earth, except such as

Allah will please [to exempt]: and all shall come to His [Presence] as beings

conscious of their lowliness.

88. Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass

away as the clouds pass away: [such is] the artistry of Allah, who disposes of

all things in perfect order: for he is well acquainted with all that ye do.

89. If any do good, good will [accrue] to them therefrom; and they will be

secure from terror that Day.

90. And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong into the Fire: "Do

ye receive a reward other than that which ye have earned by your deeds?"

91. For me, I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this city, Him Who has

sanctified it and to Whom [belong] all things: and I am commanded to be of those

who bow in Islam to Allah's Will,-

92. And to rehearse the Qur'an: and if any accept guidance, they do it for the

good of their own souls, and if any stray, say: "I am only a Warner".

93. And say: "Praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you His Signs, so that ye

shall know them"; and thy Lord is not unmindful of all that ye do.

ترجمه سوره های قرآن به انگلیسی

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Reactions: ~Hasti~


مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
سوره قصص -سورة القصص SURA 28. Qasas, or Narration

﴿ سورة القصص - سورة ٢٨ - تعداد آیات ٨٨ ﴾

SURA 28. Qasas, or Narration

1. Ta. Sin. Mim.

2. These are Verses of the Book that makes [things] clear.

3. We rehearse to thee some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh in Truth, for

people who believe.

4. Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and broke up its people into

sections, depressing a small group among them: their sons he slew, but he kept

alive their females: for he was indeed a maker of mischief.

5. And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land,

to make them leaders [in Faith] and make them heirs,

6. To establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, Haman,

and their hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking


7. So We sent this inspiration to the mother of Moses: "Suckle [thy child], but

when thou hast fears about him, cast him into the river, but fear not nor

grieve: for We shall restore him to thee, and We shall make him one of Our


8. Then the people of Pharaoh picked him up [from the river]: [It was intended]

that [Moses] should be to them an adversary and a cause of sorrow: for Pharaoh

and Haman and [all] their hosts were men of sin.

9. The wife of Pharaoh said: "[Here is] joy of the eye, for me and for thee:

slay him not. It may be that he will be use to us, or we may adopt him as a

son." And they perceived not [what they were doing]!

10. But there came to be a void in the heart of the mother of Moses: She was

going almost to disclose his [case], had We not strengthened her heart [with

faith], so that she might remain a [firm] believer.

11. And she said to the sister of [Moses], "Follow him" so she [the sister]

watched him in the character of a stranger. And they knew not.

12. And we ordained that he refused suck at first, until [His sister came up

and] said: "Shall I point out to you the people of a house that will nourish and

bring him up for you and be sincerely attached to him?"...

13. Thus did We restore him to his mother, that her eye might be comforted, that

she might not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true:

but most of them do not understand.

14. When he reached full age, and was firmly established [in life], We bestowed

on him wisdom and knowledge: for thus do We reward those who do good.

15. And he entered the city at a time when its people were not watching: and he

found there two men fighting,- one of his own religion, and the other, of his

foes. Now the man of his own religion appealed to him against his foe, and Moses

struck him with his fist and made an end of him. He said: "This is a work of

Evil [Satan]: for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads!"

16. He prayed: "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou then forgive

me!" So [Allah] forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

17. He said: "O my Lord! For that Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace on me, never

shall I be a help to those who sin!"

18. So he saw the morning in the city, looking about, in a state of fear, when

behold, the man who had, the day before, sought his help called aloud for his

help [again]. Moses said to him: "Thou art truly, it is clear, a quarrelsome


19. Then, when he decided to lay hold of the man who was an enemy to both of

them, that man said: "O Moses! Is it thy intention to slay me as thou slewest a

man yesterday? Thy intention is none other than to become a powerful violent man

in the land, and not to be one who sets things right!"

20. And there came a man, running, from the furthest end of the City. He said:

"O Moses! the Chiefs are taking counsel together about thee, to slay thee: so

get thee away, for I do give thee sincere advice."

ترجمه سوره های قرآن به انگلیسی

  • تشکر
Reactions: ~Hasti~


مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

SURA 28. Qasas, or Narration

1. Ta. Sin. Mim.

2. These are Verses of the Book that makes [things] clear.

3. We rehearse to thee some of the story of Moses and Pharaoh in Truth, for

people who believe.

4. Truly Pharaoh elated himself in the land and broke up its people into

sections, depressing a small group among them: their sons he slew, but he kept

alive their females: for he was indeed a maker of mischief.

5. And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land,

to make them leaders [in Faith] and make them heirs,

6. To establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, Haman,

and their hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking


7. So We sent this inspiration to the mother of Moses: "Suckle [thy child], but

when thou hast fears about him, cast him into the river, but fear not nor

grieve: for We shall restore him to thee, and We shall make him one of Our


8. Then the people of Pharaoh picked him up [from the river]: [It was intended]

that [Moses] should be to them an adversary and a cause of sorrow: for Pharaoh

and Haman and [all] their hosts were men of sin.

9. The wife of Pharaoh said: "[Here is] joy of the eye, for me and for thee:

slay him not. It may be that he will be use to us, or we may adopt him as a

son." And they perceived not [what they were doing]!

10. But there came to be a void in the heart of the mother of Moses: She was

going almost to disclose his [case], had We not strengthened her heart [with

faith], so that she might remain a [firm] believer.

11. And she said to the sister of [Moses], "Follow him" so she [the sister]

watched him in the character of a stranger. And they knew not.

12. And we ordained that he refused suck at first, until [His sister came up

and] said: "Shall I point out to you the people of a house that will nourish and

bring him up for you and be sincerely attached to him?"...

13. Thus did We restore him to his mother, that her eye might be comforted, that

she might not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is true:

but most of them do not understand.

14. When he reached full age, and was firmly established [in life], We bestowed

on him wisdom and knowledge: for thus do We reward those who do good.

15. And he entered the city at a time when its people were not watching: and he

found there two men fighting,- one of his own religion, and the other, of his

foes. Now the man of his own religion appealed to him against his foe, and Moses

struck him with his fist and made an end of him. He said: "This is a work of

Evil [Satan]: for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads!"

16. He prayed: "O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul! Do Thou then forgive

me!" So [Allah] forgave him: for He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

17. He said: "O my Lord! For that Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace on me, never

shall I be a help to those who sin!"

18. So he saw the morning in the city, looking about, in a state of fear, when

behold, the man who had, the day before, sought his help called aloud for his

help [again]. Moses said to him: "Thou art truly, it is clear, a quarrelsome


19. Then, when he decided to lay hold of the man who was an enemy to both of

them, that man said: "O Moses! Is it thy intention to slay me as thou slewest a

man yesterday? Thy intention is none other than to become a powerful violent man

in the land, and not to be one who sets things right!"

20. And there came a man, running, from the furthest end of the City. He said:

"O Moses! the Chiefs are taking counsel together about thee, to slay thee: so

get thee away, for I do give thee sincere advice."

ترجمه سوره های قرآن به انگلیسی

  • تشکر
Reactions: ~Hasti~


مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

41. And we made them [but] leaders inviting to the Fire; and on the Day of

Judgment no help shall they find.

42. in this world We made a curse to follow them and on the Day of Judgment they

will be among the loathed [and despised].

43. We did reveal to Moses the Book after We had destroyed the earlier

generations, [to give] Insight to men, and guidance and Mercy, that they might

receive admonition.

44. Thou wast not on the Western side when We decreed the Commission to Moses,

nor wast thou a witness [of those events].

45. But We raised up [new] generations, and long were the ages that passed over

them; but thou wast not a dweller among the people of Madyan, rehearsing Our

Signs to them; but it is We Who send messengers [with inspiration].

46. Nor wast thou at the side of [the Mountain of] Tur when we called [to

Moses]. Yet [art thou sent] as Mercy from thy Lord, to give warning to a people

to whom no warner had come before thee: in order that they may receive


47. If [We had] not [sent thee to the Quraish],- in case a calamity should seize

them for [the deeds] that their hands have sent forth, they might say: "Our

Lord! why didst Thou not sent us a messenger? We should then have followed Thy

Signs and been amongst those who believe!"

48. But [now], when the Truth has come to them from Ourselves, they say, "Why

are not [Signs] sent to him, like those which were sent to Moses?" Do they not

then reject [the Signs] which were formerly sent to Moses? They say: "Two kinds

of sorcery, each assisting the other!" And they say: "For us, we reject all

[such things]!"

49. Say: "Then bring ye a Book from Allah, which is a better guide than either

of them, that I may follow it! [do], if ye are truthful!"

50. But if they hearken not to thee, know that they only follow their own lusts:

and who is more astray than one who follow his own lusts, devoid of guidance

from Allah? for Allah guides not people given to wrong-doing.

51. Now have We caused the Word to reach them themselves, in order that they may

receive admonition.

52. Those to whom We sent the Book before this,- they do believe in this


53. And when it is recited to them, they say: "We believe therein, for it is the

Truth from our Lord: indeed we have been Muslims [bowing to Allah's Will] from

before this.

54. Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, that

they avert Evil with Good, and that they spend [in charity] out of what We have

given them.

55. And when they hear vain talk, they turn away therefrom and say: "To us our

deeds, and to you yours; peace be to you: we seek not the ignorant."

56. It is true thou wilt not be able to guide every one, whom thou lovest; but

Allah guides those whom He will and He knows best those who receive guidance.

57. They say: "If we were to follow the guidance with thee, we should be

snatched away from our land." Have We not established for them a secure

sanctuary, to which are brought as tribute fruits of all kinds,- a provision

from Ourselves? but most of them understand not.

58. And how many populations We destroyed, which exulted in their life [of ease

and plenty]! now those habitations of theirs, after them, are deserted,- All but

a [miserable] few! and We are their heirs!

59. Nor was thy Lord the one to destroy a population until He had sent to its

centre a messenger, rehearsing to them Our Signs; nor are We going to destroy a

population except when its members practise iniquity.

60. The [material] things which ye are given are but the conveniences of this

life and the glitter thereof; but that which is with Allah is better and more

enduring: will ye not then be wise?

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  • تشکر
Reactions: ~Hasti~


مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

61. Are [these two] alike?- one to whom We have made a goodly promise, and who

is going to reach its [fulfilment], and one to whom We have given the good

things of this life, but who, on the Day of Judgment, is to be among those

brought up [for punishment]?

62. That Day [Allah] will call to them, and say "Where are my 'partners'?- whom

ye imagined [to be such]?"

63. Those against whom the charge will be proved, will say: "Our Lord! These are

the ones whom we led astray: we led them astray, as we were astray ourselves: we

free ourselves [from them] in Thy presence: it was not us they worshipped."

64. It will be said [to them]: "Call upon your 'partners' [for help]" :they will

call upon them, but they will not listen to them; and they will see the Penalty

[before them]; [how they will wish] 'if only they had been open to guidance!'

65. That Day [Allah] will call to them, and say: "What was the answer ye gave to

the messengers?"

66. Then the [whole] story that Day will seem obscure to them [like light to the

blind] and they will not be able [even] to question each other.

67. But any that [in this life] had repented, believed, and worked

righteousness, will have hopes to be among those who achieve salvation.

68. Thy Lord does create and choose as He pleases: no choice have they [in the

matter]: Glory to Allah! and far is He above the partners they ascribe [to Him]!

69. And thy Lord knows all that their hearts conceal and all that they reveal.

70. And He is Allah: There is no god but He. To Him be praise, at the first and

at the last: for Him is the Command, and to Him shall ye [all] be brought back.

71. Say: See ye? If Allah were to make the night perpetual over you to the Day

of Judgment, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you enlightenment?

Will ye not then hearken?

72. Say: See ye? If Allah were to make the day perpetual over you to the Day of

Judgment, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you a night in which

ye can rest? Will ye not then see?

73. It is out of His Mercy that He has made for you Night and Day,- that ye may

rest therein, and that ye may seek of his Grace;- and in order that ye may be


74. The Day that He will call on them, He will say: "Where are my 'partners'?

whom ye imagined [to be such]?"

75. And from each people shall We draw a witness, and We shall say: "Produce

your Proof": then shall they know that the Truth is in Allah [alone], and the

[lies] which they invented will leave them in lurch.

76. Qarun was doubtless, of the people of Moses; but he acted insolently towards

them: such were the treasures We had bestowed on him that their very keys would

have been a burden to a body of strong men, behold, his people said to him:

"Exult not, for Allah loveth not those who exult [in riches].

77. "But seek, with the [wealth] which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of

the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah

has been good to thee, and seek not [occasions for] mischief in the land: for

Allah loves not those who do mischief."

78. He said: "This has been given to me because of a certain knowledge which I

have." Did he not know that Allah had destroyed, before him, [whole]

generations,- which were superior to him in strength and greater in the amount

[of riches] they had collected? but the wicked are not called[immediately] to

account for their sins.

79. So he went forth among his people in the [pride of his worldly] glitter.

Said those whose aim is the Life of this World: "Oh! that we had the like of

what Qarun has got! for he is truly a lord of mighty good fortune!"

80. But those who had been granted [true] knowledge said: "Alas for you! The

reward of Allah [in the Hereafter] is best for those who believe and work

righteousness: but this none shall attain, save those who steadfastly persevere

[in good]."

81. Then We caused the earth to swallow up him and his house; and he had not

[the least little] party to help him against Allah, nor could he defend himself.

82. And those who had envied his position the day before began to say on the

morrow: "Ah! it is indeed Allah Who enlarges the provision or restricts it, to

any of His servants He pleases! had it not been that Allah was gracious to us,

He could have caused the earth to swallow us up! Ah! those who reject Allah will

assuredly never prosper."

83. That Home of the Hereafter We shall give to those who intend not highhandedness

or mischief on earth: and the end is [best] for the righteous.

84. If any does good, the reward to him is better than his deed; but if any does

evil, the doers of evil are only punished [to the extent] of their deeds.

85. Verily He Who ordained the Qur'an for thee, will bring thee back to the

Place of Return. Say: "My Lord knows best who it is that brings true guidance,

and who is in manifest error."

86. And thou hadst not expected that the Book would be sent to thee except as a

Mercy from thy Lord: Therefore lend not thou support in any way to those who

reject [Allah's Message].

87. And let nothing keep thee back from the Signs of Allah after they have been

revealed to thee: and invite [men] to thy Lord, and be not of the company of

those who join gods with Allah.

88. And call not, besides Allah, on another god. There is no god but He.

Everything [that exists] will perish except His own Face. To Him belongs the

Command, and to Him will ye [all] be brought back.

ترجمه سوره های قرآن به انگلیسی

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
سوره عنکبوت -سورة العنکبوت SURA 29. Ankabut, or the Spider

﴿ سورة العنکبوت - سورة ٢٩ - تعداد آیات ٦٩ ﴾

SURA 29. Ankabut, or the Spider

1. A. L. M.

2. Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that

they will not be tested?

3. We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are

true from those who are false.

4. Do those who practise evil think that they will get the better of Us? Evil is

their judgment!

5. For those whose hopes are in the meeting with Allah [in the Hereafter, let

them strive]; for the term [appointed] by Allah is surely coming and He hears

and knows [all things].

6. And if any strive [with might and main], they do so for their own souls: for

Allah is free of all needs from all creation.

7. Those who believe and work righteous deeds,- from them shall We blot out all

evil [that may be] in them, and We shall reward them according to the best of

their deeds.

8. We have enjoined on man kindness to parents: but if they [either of them]

strive [to force] thee to join with Me [in worship] anything of which thou hast

no knowledge, obey them not. Ye have [all] to return to me, and I will tell you

[the truth] of all that ye did.

9. And those who believe and work righteous deeds,- them shall We admit to the

company of the Righteous.

10. Then there are among men such as say, "We believe in Allah"; but when they

suffer affliction in [the cause of] Allah, they treat men's oppression as if it

were the Wrath of Allah! And if help comes [to thee] from thy Lord, they are

sure to say, "We have [always] been with you!" Does not Allah know best all that

is in the hearts of all creation?

11. And Allah most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly those who

are Hypocrites.

12. And the Unbelievers say to those who believe: "Follow our path, and we will

bear [the consequences] of your faults." Never in the least will they bear their

faults: in fact they are liars!

13. They will bear their own burdens, and [other] burdens along with their own,

and on the Day of Judgments they will be called to account for their falsehoods.

14. We [once] sent Noah to his people, and he tarried among them a thousand

years less fifty: but the Deluge overwhelmed them while they [persisted in] sin.

15. But We saved him and the companions of the Ark, and We made the [Ark] a Sign

for all peoples!

16. And [We also saved] Abraham: behold, he said to his people, "Serve Allah and

fear Him: that will be best for you- If ye understand!

17. "For ye do worship idols besides Allah, and ye invent falsehood. The things

that ye worship besides Allah have no power to give you sustenance: then seek ye

sustenance from Allah, serve Him, and be grateful to Him: to Him will be your


18. "And if ye reject [the Message], so did generations before you: and the duty

of the messenger is only to preach publicly [and clearly]."

19. See they not how Allah originates creation, then repeats it: truly that is

easy for Allah.

20. Say: "Travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation; so

will Allah produce a later creation: for Allah has power over all things.

ترجمه سوره های قرآن به انگلیسی

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع

21. "He punishes whom He pleases, and He grants Mercy to whom He pleases, and

towards Him are ye turned.

22. "Not on earth nor in heaven will ye be able [fleeing] to frustrate [his

Plan], nor have ye, besides Allah, any protector or helper."

23. Those who reject the Signs of Allah and the Meeting with Him [in the

Hereafter],- it is they who shall despair of My Mercy: it is they who will

[suffer] a most grievous Penalty.

24. So naught was the answer of [Abraham's] people except that they said: "Slay

him or burn him." But Allah did save him from the Fire. Verily in this are Signs

for people who believe.

25. And he said: "For you, ye have taken [for worship] idols besides Allah, out

of mutual love and regard between yourselves in this life; but on the Day of

Judgment ye shall disown each other and curse each other: and your abode will be

the Fire, and ye shall have none to help."

26. But Lut had faith in Him: He said: "I will leave home for the sake of my

Lord: for He is Exalted in Might, and Wise."

27. And We gave [Abraham] Isaac and Jacob, and ordained among his progeny

Prophethood and Revelation, and We granted him his reward in this life; and he

was in the Hereafter [of the company] of the Righteous.

28. And [remember] Lut: behold, he said to his people: "Ye do commit lewdness,

such as no people in Creation [ever] committed before you.

29. "Do ye indeed approach men, and cut off the highway?- and practise

wickedness [even] in your councils?" But his people gave no answer but this:

they said: "Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth."

30. He said: "O my Lord! help Thou me against people who do mischief!"

31. When Our Messengers came to Abraham with the good news, they said: "We are

indeed going to destroy the people of this township: for truly they are

[addicted to] crime."

32. He said: "But there is Lut there." They said: "Well do we know who is there

: we will certainly save him and his following,- except his wife: she is of

those who lag behind!"

33. And when Our Messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account, and

felt himself powerless [to protect] them: but they said: "Fear thou not, nor

grieve: we are [here] to save thee and thy following, except thy wife: she is of

those who lag behind.

34. "For we are going to bring down on the people of this township a Punishment

from heaven, because they have been wickedly rebellious."

35. And We have left thereof an evident Sign, for any people who [care to]


36. To the Madyan [people] [We sent] their brother Shu'aib. Then he said: "O my

people! serve Allah, and fear the Last Day: nor commit evil on the earth, with

intent to do mischief."

37. But they rejected him: Then the mighty Blast seized them, and they lay

prostrate in their homes by the morning.

38. [Remember also] the 'Ad and the Thamud [people]: clearly will appear to you

from [the traces] of their buildings [their fate]: the Evil One made their deeds

alluring to them, and kept them back from the Path, though they were gifted with

intelligence and skill.

39. [Remember also] Qarun, Pharaoh, and Haman: there came to them Moses with

Clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not

overreach [Us].

40. Each one of them We seized for his crime: of them, against some We sent a

violent tornado [with showers of stones]; some were caught by a [mighty] Blast;

some We caused the earth to swallow up; and some We drowned [in the waters]: It

was not Allah Who injured [or oppressed] them:" They injured [and oppressed]

their own souls.

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