خوش آمدید به رمان ۹۸ | بهترین انجمن رمان نویسی

رمان ۹۸ با هدف ترویج فرهنگ کتاب خوانی و تقویت قلم عزیزان ایجاد شده است.
هدف ما همواره ایجاد محیطی گرم و صمیمی و دوستانه بوده
برای مطالعه کامل رمان‌ها و استفاده از امکانات انجمن
به ما بپیوندید و یا وارد انجمن شوید.


مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
سوره نجم - سورة النجم SURA 53. Najm, or the Star

﴿ سورة النجم - سورة ٥٣ - تعداد آیات ٦٢ ﴾

SURA 53. Najm, or the Star

1. By the Star when it goes down,-

2. Your Companion is neither astray nor being misled.

3. Nor does he say [aught] of [his own] Desire.

4. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him:

5. He was taught by one Mighty in Power,

6. Endued with Wisdom: for he appeared [in stately form];

7. While he was in the highest part of the horizon:

8. Then he approached and came closer,

9. And was at a distance of but two bow-lengths or [even] nearer;

10. So did [Allah] convey the inspiration to His Servant- [conveyed] what He

[meant] to convey.

11. The [Prophet's] [mind and] heart in no way falsified that which he saw.

12. Will ye then dispute with him concerning what he saw?

13. For indeed he saw him at a second descent,

14. Near the Lote-tree beyond which none may pass:

15. Near it is the Garden of Abode.

16. Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded [in mystery unspeakable!]

17. [His] sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong!

18. For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest!

19. Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza,

20. And another, the third [goddess], Manat?

21. What! for you the male رابـ*ـطه, and for Him, the female?

22. Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!

23. These are nothing but names which ye have devised,- ye and your fathers,-

for which Allah has sent down no authority [whatever]. They follow nothing but

conjecture and what their own souls desire!- Even though there has already come

to them Guidance from their Lord!

24. Nay, shall man have [just] anything he hankers after?

25. But it is to Allah that the End and the Beginning [of all things] belong.

26. How many-so-ever be the angels in the heavens, their intercession will avail

nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He pleases and that he is

acceptable to Him.

27. Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.

28. But they have no knowledge therein. They follow nothing but conjecture; and

conjecture avails nothing against Truth.

29. Therefore shun those who turn away from Our Message and desire nothing but

the life of this world.

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
30. That is as far as knowledge will reach them. Verily thy Lord knoweth best

those who stray from His Path, and He knoweth best those who receive guidance.

31. Yea, to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: so that He

rewards those who do evil, according to their deeds, and He rewards those who do

good, with what is best.

32. Those who avoid great sins and shameful deeds, only [falling into] small

faults,- verily thy Lord is ample in forgiveness. He knows you well when He

brings you out of the earth, And when ye are hidden in your mothers' wombs.

Therefore justify not yourselves: He knows best who it is that guards against


33. Seest thou one who turns back,

34. Gives a little, then hardens [his heart]?

35. What! Has he knowledge of the Unseen so that he can see?

36. Nay, is he not acquainted with what is in the Books of Moses-

37. And of Abraham who fulfilled his engagements?-

38. Namely, that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another;

39. That man can have nothing but what he strives for;

40. That [the fruit of] his striving will soon come in sight:

41. Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete;

42. That to thy Lord is the final Goal;

43. That it is He Who granteth Laughter and Tears;

44. That it is He Who granteth Death and Life;

45. That He did create in pairs,- male and female,

46. From a seed when lodged [in its place];

47. That He hath promised a Second Creation [Raising of the Dead];

48. That it is He Who giveth wealth and satisfaction;

49. That He is the Lord of Sirius [the Mighty Star];

50. And that it is He Who destroyed the [powerful] ancient 'Ad [people],

51. And the Thamud nor gave them a lease of perpetual life.

52. And before them, the people of Noah, for that they were [all] most unjust

and most insolent transgressors,

53. And He destroyed the Overthrown Cities [of Sodom and Gomorrah].

54. So that [ruins unknown] have covered them up.

55. Then which of the gifts of thy Lord, [O man,] wilt thou dispute about?

56. This is a Warner, of the [series of] Warners of old!

57. The [Judgment] ever approaching draws nigh:

58. No [soul] but Allah can lay it bare.

59. Do ye then wonder at this recital?

60. And will ye laugh and not weep,-

61. Wasting your time in vanities?

62. But fall ye down in prostration to Allah, and adore [Him]!

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
سوره قمر - SURA 54. Qamar, or the Moon سورة القمر

﴿ سورة القمر - سورة ٥٤ - تعداد آیات ٥٥ ﴾

SURA 54. Qamar, or the Moon

1. The Hour [of Judgment] is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder.

2. But if they see a Sign, they turn away, and say, "This is [but] transient


3. They reject [the warning] and follow their [own] lusts but every matter has

its appointed time.

4. There have already come to them Recitals wherein there is [enough] to check


5. Mature wisdom;- but [the preaching of] Warners profits them not.

6. Therefore, [O Prophet,] turn away from them. The Day that the Caller will

call [them] to a terrible affair,

7. They will come forth,- their eyes humbled - from [their] graves, [torpid]

like locusts scattered abroad,

8. Hastening, with eyes transfixed, towards the Caller!- "Hard is this Day!",

the Unbelievers will say.

9. Before them the People of Noah rejected [their messenger]: they rejected Our

servant, and said, "Here is one possessed!", and he was driven out.

10. Then he called on his Lord: "I am one overcome: do Thou then help [me]!"

11. So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth.

12. And We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, so the waters met [and

rose] to the extent decreed.

13. But We bore him on an [Ark] made of broad planks and caulked with palmfibre:

14. She floats under our eyes [and care]: a recompense to one who had been

rejected [with scorn]!

15. And We have left this as a Sign [for all time]: then is there any that will

receive admonition?

16. But how [terrible] was My Penalty and My Warning?

17. And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is

there any that will receive admonition?

18. The 'Ad [people] [too] rejected [Truth]: then how terrible was My Penalty

and My Warning?

19. For We sent against them a furious wind, on a Day of violent Disaster,

20. Plucking out men as if they were roots of palm-trees torn up [from the


21. Yea, how [terrible] was My Penalty and My Warning!

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
22. But We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is

there any that will receive admonition?

23. The Thamud [also] rejected [their] Warners.

24. For they said: "What! a man! a Solitary one from among ourselves! shall we

follow such a one? Truly should we then be straying in mind, and mad!

25. "Is it that the Message is sent to him, of all people amongst us? Nay, he is

a liar, an insolent one!"

26. Ah! they will know on the morrow, which is the liar, the insolent one!

27. For We will send the she-camel by way of trial for them. So watch them, [O

Salih], and possess thyself in patience!

28. And tell them that the water is to be divided between them: Each one's right

to drink being brought forward [by suitable turns].

29. But they called to their companion, and he took a sword in hand, and

hamstrung [her].

30. Ah! how [terrible] was My Penalty and My Warning!

31. For We sent against them a single Mighty Blast, and they became like the dry

stubble used by one who pens cattle.

32. And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is

there any that will receive admonition?

33. The people of Lut rejected [his] warning.

34. We sent against them a violent Tornado with showers of stones, [which

destroyed them], except Lut's household: them We delivered by early Dawn,-

35. As a Grace from Us: thus do We reward those who give thanks.

36. And [Lut] did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed about the


37. And they even sought to snatch away his guests from him, but We blinded

their eyes. [They heard:] "Now taste ye My Wrath and My Warning."

38. Early on the morrow an abiding Punishment seized them:

39. "So taste ye My Wrath and My Warning."

40. And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is

there any that will receive admonition?

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
41. To the People of Pharaoh, too, aforetime, came Warners [from Allah].

42. The [people] rejected all Our Signs; but We seized them with such Penalty

[as comes] from One Exalted in Power, able to carry out His Will.

43. Are your Unbelievers, [O Quraish], better than they? Or have ye an immunity

in the Sacred Books?

44. Or do they say: "We acting together can defend ourselves"?

45. Soon will their multitude be put to flight, and they will show their backs.

46. Nay, the Hour [of Judgment] is the time promised them [for their full

recompense]: And that Hour will be most grievous and most bitter.

47. Truly those in sin are the ones straying in mind, and mad.

48. The Day they will be dragged through the Fire on their faces, [they will

hear:] "Taste ye the touch of Hell!"

49. Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure.

50. And Our Command is but a single [Act],- like the twinkling of an eye.

51. And [oft] in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there

any that will receive admonition?

52. All that they do is noted in [their] Books [of Deeds]:

53. Every matter, small and great, is on record.

54. As to the Righteous, they will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers,

55. In an Assembly of Truth, in the Presence of a Sovereign Omnipotent.

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
SURA 55. Rahman, or (Allah) Most Gracious سورة الرحمن -سوره رحمن

﴿ سورة الرحمن - سورة ٥٥- تعداد آیات ٧٨ ﴾

SURA 55. Rahman, or (Allah) Most Gracious

1. [Allah] Most Gracious!

2. It is He Who has taught the Qur'an.

3. He has created man:

4. He has taught him speech [and intelligence].

5. The sun and the moon follow courses [exactly] computed;

6. And the herbs and the trees - both [alike] prostrate in adoration.

7. And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance [of


8. In order that ye may not transgress [due] balance.

9. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance.

10. It is He Who has spread out the earth for [His] creatures:

11. Therein is fruit and date-palms, producing spathes [enclosing dates];

12. Also corn, with [its] leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-smelling


13. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

14. He created man from sounding clay like unto pottery,

15. And He created Jinns from fire free of smoke:

16. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

17. [He is] Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests:

18. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

19. He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together:

20. Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress:

21. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

22. Out of them come Pearls and Coral:

23. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

24. And His are the Ships sailing smoothly through the seas, lofty as mountains:

25. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

26. All that is on earth will perish:

27. But will abide [for ever] the Face of thy Lord,- full of Majesty, Bounty and


28. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

29. Of Him seeks [its need] every creature in the heavens and on earth: every

day in [new] Splendour doth He [shine]!

30. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

31. Soon shall We settle your affairs, O both ye worlds!

32. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

33. O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the

heavens and the earth, pass ye! not without authority shall ye be able to pass!

34. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

35. On you will be sent [O ye evil ones twain!] a flame of fire [to burn] and a

smoke [to choke]: no defence will ye have:

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
36. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

37. When the sky is rent asunder, and it becomes red like ointment:

38. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

39. On that Day no question will be asked of man or Jinn as to his sin.

40. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

41. [For] the sinners will be known by their marks: and they will be seized by

their forelocks and their feet.

42. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

43. This is the Hell which the Sinners deny:

44. In its midst and in the midst of boiling hot water will they wander round!

45. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

46. But for such as fear the time when they will stand before [the Judgment Seat

of] their Lord, there will be two Gardens-

47. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

48. Containing all kinds [of trees and delights];-

49. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

50. In them [each] will be two Springs flowing [free];

51. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

52. In them will be Fruits of every kind, two and two.

53. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

54. They will recline on Carpets, whose inner linings will be of rich brocade:

the Fruit of the Gardens will be near [and easy of reach].

55. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

56. In them will be [Maidens], chaste, restraining their glances, whom no man or

Jinn before them has touched;-

57. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

58. Like unto Rubies and coral.

59. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

60. Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good?

61. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

62. And besides these two, there are two other Gardens,-

63. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

64. Dark-green in colour [from plentiful watering].

65. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

66. In them [each] will be two Springs pouring forth water in continuous


67. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

68. In them will be Fruits, and dates and pomegranates:

69. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

70. In them will be fair [Companions], good, beautiful;-

71. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

72. Companions restrained [as to their glances], in [goodly] pavilions;-

73. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

74. Whom no man or Jinn before them has touched;-

75. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?-

76. Reclining on green Cushions and rich Carpets of beauty.

77. Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?

78. Blessed be the name of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty and Honour.

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
- سورة الواقعة سوره واقعه -SURA 56. Waqia, or The Inevitable Event

﴿ سورة الواقعة - سورة ٥٦ - تعداد آیات ٩٦ ﴾

SURA 56. Waqia, or The Inevitable Event

1. When the Event inevitable cometh to pass,

2. Then will no [soul] entertain falsehood concerning its coming.

3. [Many] will it bring low; [many] will it exalt;

4. When the earth shall be shaken to its depths,

5. And the mountains shall be crumbled to atoms,

6. Becoming dust scattered abroad,

7. And ye shall be sorted out into three classes.

8. Then [there will be] the Companions of the Right Hand;- What will be the

Companions of the Right Hand?

9. And the Companions of the Left Hand,- what will be the Companions of the Left


10. And those Foremost [in Faith] will be Foremost [in the Hereafter].

11. These will be those Nearest to Allah:

12. In Gardens of Bliss:

13. A number of people from those of old,


14. And a few from those of later times.

15. [They will be] on Thrones encrusted [with gold and precious stones],

16. Reclining on them, facing each other.

17. Round about them will [serve] youths of perpetual [freshness],

18. With goblets, [shining] beakers, and cups [filled] out of clear-flowing


19. No after-ache will they receive therefrom, nor will they suffer


20. And with fruits, any that they may select:

21. And the flesh of fowls, any that they may desire.

22. And [there will be] Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes,-

23. Like unto Pearls well-guarded.

24. A Reward for the deeds of their past [life].

25. Not frivolity will they hear therein, nor any taint of ill,-

26. Only the saying, "Peace! Peace".

27. The Companions of the Right Hand,- what will be the Companions of the Right


28. [They will be] among Lote-trees without thorns,

29. Among Talh trees with flowers [or fruits] piled one above another,-

30. In shade long-extended,

31. By water flowing constantly,

32. And fruit in abundance.

33. Whose season is not limited, nor [supply] forbidden,

34. And on Thrones [of Dignity], raised high.

35. We have created [their Companions] of special creation.

36. And made them virgin - pure [and undefiled], -

37. Beloved [by nature], equal in age,-

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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
38. For the Companions of the Right Hand.

39. A [goodly] number from those of old,

40. And a [goodly] number from those of later times.

41. The Companions of the Left Hand,- what will be the Companions of the Left


42. [They will be] in the midst of a Fierce Blast of Fire and in Boiling Water,

43. And in the shades of Black Smoke:

44. Nothing [will there be] to refresh, nor to please:

45. For that they were wont to be indulged, before that, in wealth [and luxury],

46. And persisted obstinately in wickedness supreme!

47. And they used to say, "What! when we die and become dust and bones, shall we

then indeed be raised up again?-

48. "[We] and our fathers of old?"

49. Say: "Yea, those of old and those of later times,

50. "All will certainly be gathered together for the meeting appointed for a Day


51. "Then will ye truly,- O ye that go wrong, and treat [Truth] as Falsehood!-

52. "Ye will surely taste of the Tree of Zaqqum.

53. "Then will ye fill your insides therewith,

54. "And drink Boiling Water on top of it:

55. "Indeed ye shall drink like diseased camels raging with thirst!"

56. Such will be their entertainment on the Day of Requital!

57. It is We Who have created you: why will ye not witness the Truth?

58. Do ye then see?- The [human Seed] that ye throw out,-

59. Is it ye who create it, or are We the Creators?

60. We have decreed Death to be your common lot, and We are not to be frustrated

61. from changing your Forms and creating you [again] in [forms] that ye know


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مدیر بازنشسته رمان ۹۸
کاربر رمان ۹۸
ارسال ها
امتیاز واکنش
محل سکونت
خیابآن بَهآر | کوچه اُردی‌بهشت | پِلآکِ 1
زمان حضور
82 روز 4 ساعت 42 دقیقه
نویسنده این موضوع
62. And ye certainly know already the first form of creation: why then do ye not

celebrate His praises?

63. See ye the seed that ye sow in the ground?

64. Is it ye that cause it to grow, or are We the Cause?

65. Were it Our Will, We could crumble it to dry powder, and ye would be left in


66. [Saying], "We are indeed left with debts [for nothing]:

67. "Indeed are we shut out [of the fruits of our labour]"

68. See ye the water which ye drink?

69. Do ye bring it down [in rain] from the cloud or do We?

70. Were it Our Will, We could make it salt [and unpalatable]: then why do ye

not give thanks?

71. See ye the Fire which ye kindle?

72. Is it ye who grow the tree which feeds the fire, or do We grow it?

73. We have made it a memorial [of Our handiwork], and an article of comfort and

convenience for the denizens of deserts.

74. Then celebrate with praises the name of thy Lord, the Supreme!

75. Furthermore I call to witness the setting of the Stars,-

76. And that is indeed a mighty adjuration if ye but knew,-

77. That this is indeed a qur'an Most Honourable,

78. In Book well-guarded,

79. Which none shall touch but those who are clean:

80. A Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.


81. Is it such a Message that ye would hold in light esteem?

82. And have ye made it your livelihood that ye should declare it false?

83. Then why do ye not [intervene] when [the soul of the dying man] reaches the


84. And ye the while [sit] looking on,-

85. But We are nearer to him than ye, and yet see not,-

86. Then why do ye not,- If you are exempt from [future] account,-

87. Call back the soul, if ye are true [in the claim of independence]?

88. Thus, then, if he be of those Nearest to Allah,

89. [There is for him] Rest and Satisfaction, and a Garden of Delights.

90. And if he be of the Companions of the Right Hand,

91. [For him is the salutation], "Peace be unto thee", from the Companions of

the Right Hand.

92. And if he be of those who treat [Truth] as Falsehood, who go wrong,

93. For him is Entertainment with Boiling Water.

94. And burning in Hell-Fire.

95. Verily, this is the Very Truth and Certainly.

96. So celebrate with praises the name of thy Lord, the Supreme.

ترجمه سوره های قرآن به انگلیسی

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